ETL 1110-1-178
10 Dec 96
1. Bennett, R.D., Guice, L.K., Khan, S., and Staheli, K. 1995. Guidelines for Trenchless
Technology: Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP), Fold-and-Formed Pipe (FFP), Mini-Horizontal
Directional Drilling (Mini-HDD), and Microtunneling. Waterways Experiment Station. Technical
Report CPAR-GL-95-2.
2. Hall, George J., 1992, Environmental Applications of Horizontal Wells. Trenchless
Technology: An Advanced Technical Seminar, January 26-30, 1993, Vicksburg, MS.
3. Kaback, Dawn. 1995. Horizontal News, a CCEM newsletter. Colorado Center for
Environmental Management, Denver, CO.
4. Kaback, D., and Oakley, D. 1996. Horizontal Environmental Wells in the United States: A
Catalogue. Colorado Center for Environmental Management (CCEM).
5. Khan, S., Bennett, R.D., McCrary, S., and Iseley, D.T. 1994. Mini-Horizontal Directional
Drilling: State-of-the-Art Review. TTC Technical Report #101, Construction Productivity
Advancement Research (CPAR) Program, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech
University, Ruston, LA.
6. Reece, Dennis E., 1995, Interpretation of Chemical Results From Horizontal Wells. National
Drillers Buyers Guide, May.
7. U.S. EPA. 1994. Manual: Alternative Methods for Fluid Delivery and Recovery. EPA/625/R-
94/003. Prepared by : Murdoch, L., and Wilson, D.D.
8. Wilson, D.D., and Kaback, D. S. 1993. Industry Survey For Horizontal Wells. WSRC-TR-93-
511. Aiken, SC: Westinghouse Savannah River Company.
9. Wilson, D.D., 1996, Use Of Horizontal Drilling In Evironmental Remediation: A Horizontal
Well Case Study . Water Well Journal, February.
10. Wilson, D.D., 1996, Horizontal Well Development Made Easy. Water Well Journal, October.