transportation related activities with respect to the covered hazmat. We have a security
plan in place that addresses these matters as per the requirements of 49 CFR 172,
Subpart I."
This certification will be placed in the project files with the shipping documents, and retained for
at least the period required for the shipping papers.
V. Unauthorized access to transport conveyances
Hazmat will only be released to authorized "qualified transporters", who are required to
adhere to the compliance requirements of 49 CFR, Part 172.
The USACE (name of office), as the offeror will:
Check the initial transporter for a valid CDL, with the appropriate hazmat
Require the transporter secure all hazmat in lockable compartments at the
time of pickup. The transporter must provide and affix a padlock (or other
suitable locking mechanism) and a numbered tamper seal, as applicable by
the disposal contract. The vehicle must not depart the premises until this has
been accomplished. For bulk loads, the contractor should develop and
implement a security measure, such as security tape, to indicate if the
container has been tampered with.
Require the name and signature of the transporter and the seal number, as
Require that the trucks be locked and sealed, as applicable, as soon as final
loading is completed. Require rollup-type doors are secured before the truck
is moved. In case of swingout doors, the driver will pull the unit out upon
completion of loading so that locks and applicable seals can be applied. Side
doors and other openings providing access to cargo compartments will also
be secured. For bulk loads in railcars or gondolas, a security mechanism
should be developed, such as the use of security tapes across liners, etc.
Require the contractor and transporter comply with all other appropriate
federal, DoD, state and local laws and policies pertaining to loading, securing,
Require that whenever a locking control mechanism is suspected of having
been compromised, the transporter will notify the Contractor. The Contractor
will notify the COR and Contracting Officer for instructions.
VI. USACE En Route Security measures
(Name of USACE office) is the offeror of the hazmat. As such, our plan covers the
security elements prior to physical transportation. Our transportation contractors have a
duty under our contracts and under Federal law to comply with all DOT hazmat laws
and regulations.