ETL 1110-2-344
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
No. 1110-2-344
31 December 1993
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose
f. Stern, M., Becker, E. B., and Dunham,
R. S. 1976. "A Contour Integral Computation of
Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors," International
This engineer technical letter (ETL) provides sup-
Journal of Fracture, Vol. 12, No. 3,
pp. 359-368.
plemental guidance on applying the principles of
finite element analysis coupled with fracture
g. Zienkiewicz, O. C., Violette, J. P.,
mechanics to assess the safety and serviceability of
existing concrete hydraulic structures (CHS). This
Toyoshima, S., and Nakazawa, S. 1985. "Iterative
guidance is intended to supplement that guidance
Method for Constrained and Mixed Approximations.
provided in ETL 1110-8-16(FR).
An Inexpensive Improvement of FEM Perfor-
mance," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering, Vol. 51, Nos. 1-3, pp. 3-29.
2. Applicability
4. Background
This ETL applies to HQUSACE elements, major
subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and
a. Previous design practice. Previous design
field operating activities having responsibilities for
the design of civil works projects.
practice for evaluating structural stability of CHS
analysis. ETL 1110-2-22 and ETL 1110-2-310
3. References
were published as guidance for conducting such
evaluation of existing navigation structures.
a. ETL 1110-2-22, Design of Navigation Lock
Numerous safety and rehabilitation evaluations of
Gravity Walls.
existing CHS have indicated potential structural
distress for project conditions which were not con-
b. ETL 1110-2-310, Stability Criteria for Exist-
sistent with observations and measurements of
ing Concrete Navigation Structures on Rock
satisfactory structural performance.
b. Current practice. Advances in modern
structural analysis techniques including finite ele-
c. ETL 1110-8-16(FR). Fracture Mechanics
ment analysis and fracture mechanics provide a
Analysis of Concrete Hydraulic Structures.
more realistic basis for evaluation of existing CHS.
ETL 1110-8-16(FR) was published to provide guid-
d. Reich, R. W. 1992. On the Marriage of
ance on applying the principles of fracture mechan-
Mixed Finite Element Methods and Fracture
ics to assess the safety and serviceability of existing
Mechanics: An Application to Concrete Dams,
CHS. This ETL is intended to provide supplemen-
Ph.D Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
tal guidance on finite element modeling and appli-
cation of fracture mechanics for CHS. Appendix A
e. Reich, R. W., Cervenka, J., and Saouma,
provides guidance on modeling of uplift pressures
V. E. 1991. Merlin User's Manual, University of
acting at the base of a CHS and an example
Colorado, Boulder.