ETL 1110-2-355
31 Dec 93
Figure A-4. (Concluded)
performance (shear-friction and diagonal-tension
the walls may locally compress the foundation which
shear) and related detailing of the vertical joint should
will induce moments into the base slab. If the walls
be carefully considered. In all cases, design
are constructed before the slab, generally only long-
assumptions should be consistent with the method of
term differential settlement between the walls and
slab needs to be considered. The second case creates
a vertical construction joint at the intersection of the
wall and base slab and should be used with discre-
Variable thickness slabs.
tion. This is a region of large shear and moment;
therefore, the construction joint could be moved to a
(1) Base slabs may vary in thickness. The added
region of lower shear and moment as determined by
concrete thickness can be designed and detailed to act
analysis. Reinforcement splices must be coordinated
compositely with the rest of the base slab. Items to
with the location of the construction joint. Structural
ensure composite action are good construction joint