ETL 1110-2-366
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
No. 1110-2-366
31 August 1994
Engineering and Design
4. Discussion
1. Purpose
a. For the design of civil works structures not
The purpose of this engineer technical letter (ETL) is
covered by civil works design publications, it has
to ensure that the seismic design guidance followed
been the practice to use applicable military programs
for new military buildings, and new additions to these
design publications. For the seismic design of civil
buildings, is followed for civil works buildings also.
works buildings, this ETL clarifies the requirement
for using TM 5-809-10 and TM 5-809-10-1.
2. Applicability
b. In addition, Executive Order 12699 of Janu-
ary 5, 1990, Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally
This letter applies to all HQUSACE elements, major
Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction,
subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and
requires that the construction of all new Federal
field operating activities having design responsibilities
buildings be in accordance with appropriate seismic
for civil works projects.
design and construction standards. TM 5-809-10,
TM 5-809-10-1, and the Uniform Building Code, and
the National Building Code and the Standard Build-
3. References
ing Code since their 1992 supplements and additions,
have been judged to be in compliance with the Exec-
a. E.O. 12699.
utive Order.
b. TM 5-809-10/NAVFAC P-355/AFM 88-3,
Chap. 13, "Seismic Design for Buildings."
5. Action to be Taken
c. TM 5-809-10-1/NAVFAC P-355.1/AFM 88-
TM 5-809-10 and TM 5-809-10-1 will be used as
3, Chap. 13, Sec A, "Seismic Design Guidelines for
seismic loading and design criteria for all applicable
Essential Buildings."
civil works buildings. If the seismic zone and/or the
occupancy category of a civil works building cannot
d. Uniform Building Code, International Confer-
be clearly established from these military criteria, the
ence of Building Officials (ICBO), Whittier, CA.
division engineer will be consulted.
e. National Building Code, Building Officials
and Code Administrators International (BOCA),
6. Implementation
Country Club Hills, IL.
a. The requirements in this ETL will be imme-
f. Standard Building Code, Southern Building
diately integrated into all building projects with build-
Code Congress International (SBCCI), Birmingham,
ings classified as essential or high risk, as defined in