ETL 1110-2-367
31 Mar 95
Chapter 6
Existing system layout: schematics, aerials, tables,
plates, maps.
Study Documentation
Existing facilities on aerials
Important environmental aspects
General Requirements
Damage locations
Cultural features
This chapter emphasizes the role of HEC-IFH in study
documentation as related to final technical studies reports.
Description of physical features of existing (without)
Comprehensive, but concise, documentation of the hydrologic
engineering analysis is a key aspect of any study. It should be
performed continuously throughout the study period. Required
hydrologic engineering information ranges from extensive (for
Dimensions of any existing gravity outlets, channels,
feasibility reports) to relatively little (for most Design
storm sewers, etc. (HEC-IFH)
Memoranda (DM) where more emphasis is placed on hydraulic
Area capacity data of detention areas (HEC-IFH)
design). Reporting requirements for different types of studies
are described in applicable Engineer Regulations (ER's). In
Description of basic hydrologic approach/ assumptions.
addition, hydrologic and hydraulic Engineer Technical Letters
(ETL's) summarize the array of hydrologic engineering data that
must be presented for planning reports and suggest display
Loss rates (HEC-IFH)
formats. The goal of study documentation should be to describe
Runoff transforms (HEC-IFH)
(in a basic and orderly sequence) the nature of the flood
Routing (HEC-IFH)
problem, the status and configuration of the existing system, the
Base flow (HEC-IFH)
proposed system and alternatives, the performance
characteristics of the proposed system, and operation plans.
Presentation of hydrologic flow characteristics.
Content Related to Planning
Peak discharge (HEC-IFH)
Duration (HEC-IFH)
Hydrologic reporting requirements should include a description
of the without-project conditions, alternate flood loss reduction
plans analyzed, analytical procedures and assumptions used, and
Impact of future without-project conditions.
system implementation and operation factors influencing the
hydrologic aspects of the study. Basic hydrologic reporting
Description of runoff and operation changes similar to
requirements are specified in ER 1105-2-100 and EM 1110-2-
existing conditions
Description of adopted procedures for parameter
Content Related to Design Considerations
Hydrologic analysis of alternatives.
Hydrologic engineering material presented in the design
documents describes in detail the hydrologic system, and any
Location, dimensions, and operation criteria of alternate
refinements of sizes, performance standards, and operation
criteria from the feasibility study. The hydrologic engineering
Display of final array of plans on aerials - compare with
requirements for the DM are specified in ER 1110-2-1150.
Reporting Capabilities of HEC-IFH
Impacts of measures and plans on peak discharges,
durations, velocities, etc. (HEC-IFH)
Display of residual effects of large SPF/PMF in urban
HEC-IFH has extensive reporting and plotting capabilities that
areas, and 100-year in rural (HEC-IFH)
document the results of an interior analysis. The data stored in
Hydrologic description of alternate plans shall include
each data module, as well as hydrologic analysis summaries and
description of required local agreements/ maintenance
plan comparison results, can be printed or plotted to provide
report documentation. The following outline, which follows the
Description of consequences if agreements are not met
requirements of EM 1110-2-1413, also indicates technical study
areas in which tables and plots from the HEC-IFH program may
be used for documentation.
Design information.