ETL 1110-2-533
30 Sep 94
Appendix A: Lifeline Report No. 1
A-1. Introduction
(2) Electrical power for postearthquake
recovery of communities.
a. Overview. Corps of Engineers civil works
(3) Communication for project operation and
projects play an important role in the recovery of
systems operation during an emergency.
communities following a major earthquake. The
nation's inland waterway system, which is operated
(4) Transportation systems (project roads and
and maintained by the Corps, will be essential in
bridges) required for personnel and equipment
the aftermath of a earthquake for the delivery of
access to critical project features during an
materials and equipment needed for the recovery of
devastated communities. Hydropower-generating
facilities at Corps projects provide electrical power
(5) Transportation systems, such as the inland
that will be important to postearthquake recovery.
waterway, required for the transportation of supplies
Corps projects also include reservoirs and outlet
and equipment needed for postearthquake recovery
works that supply water to communities. Water
of communities.
supplies will be needed for postearthquake recovery
and to control fires resulting from gas mains
(6) Water needed for emergency response and
ruptured by earthquake ground motions.
postearthquake recovery of communities.
b. Objectives. Lifeline Report No. 1 is the first
of a series of three reports on Corps of Engineers
A-2. Corps Lifeline Reports
civil works lifelines. These reports:
a. Purpose and schedule. Three lifeline reports
(1) Identify Corps lifelines.
will be prepared describing the vulnerability of typi-
cal Corps projects to earthquake ground motions.
(2) Assess lifeline vulnerability to earthquakes.
These reports form the basis for an engineer regula-
tion which provides direction for an overall Corps
(3) Identify mitigation measures to correct
of Engineers lifeline evaluation and mitigation
program. The program's purpose is to reduce
earthquake vulnerabilities and comply with the
national goals and standards of Public Law (PL)
dial work.
101-614. Lifeline Report No. 2 will be completed
by the end of FY 94, and Lifeline Report No. 3 by
(5) Recommend funding levels and schedules
the end of FY 96. Lifeline Report No. 1 describes
the overall lifeline evaluation program and assesses
in general terms the vulnerability of Corps power-
generating facilities, emergency power systems, and
c. Importance of Corps lifelines. Corps life-
communication systems to the damaging effects of
lines are not only those facilities important to post-
earthquakes. Lifeline Report No. 1 also recom-
earthquake recovery of communities, but also
mends action to correct deficiencies associated with
include facilities required for emergency response to
mechanical, electrical, and communication systems.
earthquake damage at projects, and facilities
Lifeline Report No. 2 will assess the vulnerability
required for continued operation of critical project
of Corps transportation systems (i.e., the inland
functions. Lifelines include those facilities essential
waterway system and project roads and bridges) to
in providing:
the damaging effects of earthquakes. Lifeline
Report No. 3 will evaluate the vulnerabilities of
(1) Electrical power for the emergency
Corps water supply systems critical to communities
operation of spillway gates and reservoir outlet
for emergency response and postearthquake
works required to lower reservoir levels or to
recovery. Report No. 3 will also report in detail
prevent overtopping.