ETL 1110-2-533
30 Sep 94
rather than the actual plan. This process can identify
l. Black start capability. Most Corps power-
deficiencies, many of which can be addressed. Once
houses are designed with a black start capability (the
a plan is developed, it is important that it be exer-
ability to start a cold generating unit with the loss of
cised in a realistic manner. Key to an effective emer-
offsite power). Many generating units, if they are
down less than 2 days, may be able to start. If there
system. Many of the most important disaster plan-
is adequate reserved compressed air in the turbine
ning issues are above the authority of a single dam,
governor system to open the gates, turbines can be
so that a general plan that involves the entire com-
started. If the units were operating within the previ-
mand structure should be developed.
ous 2 days, there should be enough of an oil film on
the main thrust bearings to prevent damage. Typi-
d. For a dam, disaster response procedures are
cally, residual magnetism in the excitation field is
adequate to start power generation. A true black start
related primarily to getting off-duty personnel back to
capability requires power for main bearing pumps,
the site, even if they are not called, as communica-
field excitation, and power to pressurize the governor
tions will probably be disrupted. It is important for
system. Consideration should be given to adding
operators to know what the impact of a large earth-
black start capability to powerhouses that do not have
quake is likely to be so that they can plan in advance
this capability.
the types of actions that may be needed, such as what
systems should be checked. Provisions should be
made for personnel at the dam to find out the status
B-6. Disaster Response Plans and Their
of their families. An exercise at a dam, in which a
realistic scenario is given, can improve a seismic
response should it be needed.
a. Earthquake preparedness measures to
improve the earthquake response of dams fall into
B-7. Recommendations
response measures. Mitigation measures can be
Recommendations are as follows:
divided into three tasks: river control aspects, control
of factors that would cause major system damage,
Most of the review was devoted to equip-
and measures that would improve the ability to con-
ment needed for the operation and control of
tinue to provide power. The latter two have been
dam facilities. Little time was spent review-
discussed in paragraphs B-4 and B-5. The former
ing dam operating procedures. Additional
requires a review of central river dispatch procedures
evaluation effort should be directed at oper-
and facilities and is outside the scope of this report.
ating procedures to ensure that all critical
systems have been considered and to better
b. The key to effective disaster response plans
identify system interactions and
is the acknowledgment of the importance of the issue
and commitment by top management. Most lifelines
have emergency response plans and they are occa-
Issues related to the emergency response
sionally put to the test by various conditions such as
need a more thorough investigation into the
severe floods or storms. Earthquakes pose a special
operation and control of dam facilities. This
problem because they typically impact systems in
section should be expanded.
unique ways such that there is little or no experience
with them. In addition, earthquakes tend to impact
Systems and equipment discussed in para-
many systems at the same time with no warning,
unlike many other emergencies which can be
measures given high priority. Earthquake
preparedness measures, mitigation measures,
or appropriate emergency response plans
c. One important issue for disaster planning is
should be put in place to reduce the risk for
preallocation of responsibilities and authority in the
major damage or loss of system control. Of
particular concern are vulnerable key systems
cess of developing a plan (the identification of key
needed for the protection and safe shut-down
issues, working through contingencies, and clarifying
of the dam--the anchorage of emergency
the roles of operating personnel) is the main benefit