ETL 1110-2-540
30 Sep 96
situations. Table 4-5 is an illustrative example of potential
Table 4-4
levels of response and associated actions.
Example Flash Flood Warning
4-5. Continuous Plan Management
Within the last three hours, rainfall amounts of 5 to 10 inches
have been reported over the watershed of Deer Creek, which is
about 25 miles northwest of Oil Town. The runoff from this
a. The existence of an emergency plan does not, by
excessive rain will enter the Little River below Devil's Dam and
itself, equate to effective flood response. The process of
produce virtually a wall of water as it passes through Oil Town in
thinking through a response to a flood scenario is probably
about two to three hours. Persons in Oil Town should be alerted
and those on the east bank who are within 500 yards of the
more important than the plan itself. The plan development
river should be evacuated immediately. The River View
process establishes a dialogue between the emergency officials
addition in the bend of the river in the south part of town will be
of different agencies. Problems are identified and appropriate
flooded with 3 to 8 feet of water and the people in River View
response strategies are discussed and evaluated. Participants
should be evacuated within the next two hours. (McLuckie
become more familiar with each other and with the
Note: 127 to 254 mm ( 5 to 10 in.), 40.2 km (25 miles)
emergency actions required when disaster strikes.
457 m (500 yd), 0.9 to 2.44 m (3 to 8 ft)
b. The emergency plan is a dynamic document that
should serve as the first step toward exercises, drills, and
4-4. Emergency Response Plans
increased flood/disaster awareness (Neal and Lee 1988). A
sports analogy to the emergency action plan is the game plan.
a. Emergency response plans play a key role in any
Coaches review an upcoming opponent and devise a strategy
flood warning - preparedness plan. No matter how elaborate
or response plan to counter what the opponent is expected to
a flood recognition system is, benefits from a plan cannot be
deliver. Practice sessions are held to repeatedly execute and
realized without a workable response plan. The responsibil-
reexecute various elements of the response plan until each
ity for developing the emergency response plan lies with the
action is executed smoothly and efficiently.
local sponsor who is ultimately responsible for its success or
failure. The Corps provides essential technical input, guid-
c. Another element of maintaining an effective emer-
ance, and review to assure a reasonable plan is developed and
gency response plan is to make certain that it is up to date and
accurate. Communities are highly dynamic. Personnel
change every day. New buildings and roads are constructed.
b. The lead time available, accuracy, specificity, and
Old buildings are torn down. Public policies change and new
the reliability of the forecast and warning system dictate the
regulations are implemented. Organizations evolve and
types of response actions that take place. More lead time
internal management relationships change. New equipment,
provides more opportunity to take damage-reducing actions.
from telephone systems, to radios, to sirens, to computers, is
Higher accuracy, increased specificity, and better reliability
installed. Constant vigilance is required to keep the plan
means floodplain residents can focus attention on the exact
current. If plans are developed then shelved for a year or
areas and elevations expected to flood, thereby making
two, the community investment in the plan is probably
response actions more efficient and effective.
c. Preliminary response actions developed, as pre-
d. Continued emergency response plan management
viously described, should be finalized. A detailed description
enhancements (USACE 1982a) could include:
of the feasible emergency response actions for each area
subject to flooding, accounting for the uniqueness of the flood
(1) Explicit procedures and documentation updating
threat and potential risk associated with each area of concern
agency personnel telephone numbers, addresses, and
should be developed. Make a careful inventory of the
information required to carry out specific actions, and
develop or obtain information not previously considered.
(2) Location of equipment and materials for flood
fighting. Sources in the public and private sectors should be
d. Emergency response actions are generally carried
out in levels as the flood situation progresses. The number of
levels in the progression depends on the size and type of
(3) Preprinted brochures describing appropriate actions
watershed in addition to warning time. Levels could corre-
for the general public. Brochures can be distributed
spond to rainfall total depth or intensity for flash flood
seasonally or during public awareness days or events.
situations or stage at key locations for nonflash flood
Brochure topics include: