ETL 1110-2-544
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
31 July 1995
No. 1110-2-544
Engineering and Design
offering many advantages over the conventional
1. Purpose
approaches. Accordingly, the FEM accounts for
This engineer technical letter (ETL) provides guid-
complex geometries, a variety of loading conditions,
ance on the use of the finite element method in the
nonlinear material behavior, nonhomogeneous mate-
analysis of problems in geotechnical engineering.
rial distribution, and soil-structure interaction effects
This ETL is intended for engineers who are unfa-
that are not accounted for in the simpler procedures.
miliar with the method, but who are interested in
Unfortunately, the FEM is an underutilized technol-
understanding its potential use in geotechnical
ogy in the design process because engineers believe
its application is time consuming, expensive, and
complicated. However, with recent advances in the
hardware and software associated with modern digi-
tal computers, a properly conducted FEM analysis
2. Applicability
can be conducted rapidly and at a relatively low cost.
This ETL applies to all HQUSACE elements and
USACE commands having responsibilities for the
design of civil works projects.
5. Objective
The objective of this ETL is to provide a basis for
understanding what can be learned from finite ele-
3. References
ment analyses, what skills are required for its appli-
See Appendix A.
cation, and what resources in terms of time, effort,
and cost are involved. The emphasis is on practical
applications of the method. Appendix A contains
information as to how the FEM can be used in soil-
4. Background
structure interaction, embankment construction, and
a. Numerical technique. The finite element
seepage analysis. Appendix A includes discussions
method (FEM) is a numerical technique which can
on the details of finite element modeling, case histo-
be used to solve problems in geotechnical engineer-
ries, and a section which will help interested engi-
ing. Computer codes based on the FEM have been
neers find further information on how the FEM can
developed to solve problems involving soil structure
help in the analysis of their problems.
interaction, embankment construction, seepage, and
soil dynamics.
b. Traditional methods of analysis. Traditional
methods of analysis often times use techniques that
are based on assumptions that oversimplify the prob-
lem at hand. These methods lack the ability to ac-
count for all of the factors and variables the de- sign
engineer faces and may severely limit the accuracy of
the solution. The finite element method can
overcome many of these shortcomings, thereby