ETL 1110-3-484
26 Sep 97
"proportioner," "fire pump," "backflow preventer," and others as appropriate to identify the
specific system components with special features and friction loss characteristics.
5.4 Manufacturer's Catalog Data. Include in the design analysis catalog information for all
major items of equipment upon which the design is based. This includes, but is not limited to, fire
pumps, jockey pumps, foam concentrate tanks, foam pumps, foam proportioners, automated foam
concentrate valves, nozzles, automatic water control valves, sprinklers, and etc.
6.1 Fire Protection Piping. Prepare separate "FP" drawings to indicate all fire protection
equipment and devices associated with the fire protection system. Provide complete fire
protection system design including sizes and locations of all equipment and piping. Determine
pipe sizes using computer software developed specifically for design of fire protection systems.
Since the fire protection system design will be provided as part of the contract drawings, do not
include design criteria on the drawings or in the specifications. This is apt to be misinterpreted by
the contractor as an invitation to redesign the system.
6.1.1 Sprinkler and Piping Plan. Prepare a separate "FP" drawing showing the overall
arrangement of the sprinkler system. Assure that the scale is adequate to clearly show sprinklers,
branch lines, crossmains, riser nipples, feed mains, risers and other major components. A drawing
scale of 1:100 (1/8"= 1'-0") is recommended. Indicate routing of all piping and identify pipe sizes,
but do not indicate lengths of pipe segments. Leave this for the contractor to determine and
provide for review and approval as part of shop drawing submittal.
6.1.2 Nozzle System Plan. Prepare a separate "FP" drawing showing nozzle system piping,
automatic control valves as well as nozzles. Where possible, position nozzles so as to direct the
foam discharge toward the hangar door. Nozzle system design should strive for gentle
application of foam solution into the protected area. Keep in mind that the discharge velocity will
carry the foam beyond the area of nozzle stream impact on the floor. Nozzle discharges should
not overlap those from opposing or converging nozzles. Such arrangements will result in
undesirable turbulence, particularly in the under-aircraft area and is apt to adversely affect fire
control or extinguishment. Show the approximate area to be covered by each nozzle. Include a
detail of each nozzle type required. Where possible, use nozzles with the same discharge
characteristic as this will simplify installation and maintenance as well as design. Indicate, on the
drawings, the k-factor for each nozzle. Where a number of different k-factors are involved,
include a nozzle schedule to clearly convey design intent and requirements.
6.2 Fire Detection and Control System. Prepare separate "FP" drawings identifying each
device connected to the foam system control panel (FSCP). Develop unique symbols for
identifying the various components comprising the foam system. Clearly identify each symbol and