ETL 1110-3-484
26 Sep 97
omit any which is not used for a specific design. Assure that symbols are dissimilar to those used
in the fire alarm or other building systems. Provide unique identification of each such device
using a subscript indicating the applicable zone number and a sequentially allocated device
number for each specific circuit. For example, if Zone 3 includes four manual actuation stations,
identify them with subscripts of "3-1," "3-2," "3-3," and "3-4." If Zone 4, for example, has
twenty (20) rate compensated heat detectors, identify them "4-1".......thru "4-20." Use this device
numbering scheme for floor plans and riser diagrams.
6.2.1 Foam System Control Panel (FSCP). Locate the FSCP on the "FP" drawings, preferably
within, or in close proximity to, the fire protection equipment room. To minimize cost and to
simplify testing and maintenance, specify FSCP's with integral annunciators rather than providing
remote annunciators. Include a sequence of operation in narrative form, controls matrix or both
as necessary to describe system operation.
6.2.2 Foam System Riser Diagram. Identify and group the various inputs and outputs associated
with the control panel. This will include alarm initiating and supervisory input circuits as well as
"alarm notification and release device output circuits.
a. Alarm Initiating Device Circuits--includes waterflow switch, nozzle system manual
actuation station, heat detector, ultra-violet/infrared flame detector, etc.
b. Supervisory Device Circuits-- includes valve supervisory (tamper) switches, pump
controllers, low liquid level, etc.
c. Release Device Circuits--includes circuits to solenoid valves for actuation of automatic
water control valves controlling foam solution flow to nozzle systems and preaction sprinkler
d. Alarm Notification Device Circuits-- includes alarm bells, horns, sirens, strobe lights,
rotating beacons, etc.
6.2.3 Schedule of Supervised Valves. For applications involving numerous valves requiring
supervisory (tamper) switches, a valve schedule indicating designation, size, type, location, and
area controlled is recommended. Include in the schedule the unique device identifier
corresponding to what is shown in the riser diagram. Valves requiring supervision include those
controlling water, foam concentrate and foam solution.
6.3 Fire Protection Equipment Room. Include an enlarged plan at a scale of 1:50 (1/4"=1'-0")
of the fire protection equipment room. Show the AFFF concentrate tank, water service entrance,
sprinkler riser/valve manifold, foam system control panel, and piping. Provide sections and details
to clearly show the riser manifold and all associated components, piping, valves, fittings, etc.