ETL 1110-3-484
26 Sep 97
10.7 Detection and Control Systems.
10.7.1 Foam System Control Panel (FSCP). A foam system control panel, with integral
annunciator, will be provided for most applications. This panel will be separate from, but
interconnected with, the building fire alarm panel. Arrange the FSCP to perform all functions
related to control of the foam fire protection system. Specify the FSCP provided for actuating
nozzle system or preaction system automatic water control valves to be approved by Factory
Mutual for releasing device service with the particular make and model of automatic water
control valve provided. Arrange the system so the actuation of any alarm initiating device, i.e., UV-IR fire
detector, rate compensating heat detector, nozzle system manual actuation station, alarm pressure
or flow switch, etc., will actuate local alarms associated with the foam system, actuate the
building fire alarm system, and simultaneously transmit an alarm to a central receiving station. Nozzle System Activation. For systems involving nozzle systems, provide manual
actuation stations near exit doors for nozzle system activation. Arrange sprinkler system
waterflow detection devices to activate nozzles upon detection of waterflow in the overhead
sprinkler system. Where specifically required by applicable design criteria, arrange nozzle system
activation by other specific means as specified. Alarm Notification Devices. Provide audible and visual alarm notification appliances
within the aircraft hangar area to warn of a detected fire condition and the impending discharge of
foam fire suppression systems. Assure that audible devices are capable of producing sound
pressure levels adequate to overcome ambient noise levels. In some cases, the use of electronic
horns with field-selectable tones will provide satisfactory service. In some applications, rotating
beacons are suitable for providing required visual alarms. Alarm notification in portions of the
facility other than the hangar area may be provided by appliances associated with the building fire
alarm system.
10.7.2 Alarm Initiating Devices. Heat Detectors. Provide rate-compensated type heat detectors for preaction sprinkler
systems. Do not provide heat detection systems in areas protected by wet-pipe sprinkler systems.
Detectors of the fixed-temperature, rate-of-rise or combination fixed temperature/ rate-of-rise
type are not permitted. Space detectors to a maximum of 7.6 m x 7.6 m (25 ft x 25 ft) per
detector. Arrange so activation of any single detector will trip the preaction sprinkler system and
any associated underwing nozzle system within the protected area served by the actuated
detector. Fire test results reported in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
document, Analysis of High Bay Hangar Facilities for Fire Detector Sensitivity and Placement,
indicate that activation temperatures of heat detectors used in conjunction with preaction sprinkler