ETL 1110-3-487
1 Mar 98
9. Quality Control/Quality Assurance.
The quality control and quality assurance operations for ASB construction with contaminated
soil should follow procedures as currently specified in CEGS-02233 or other appropriate
specifications. Depending upon the properties of the contaminated soil, exact requirements may
have to be expanded to allow the use of the soil, provided it will perform satisfactorily for the
desired purpose.
10. Summary.
Contaminated soil has been used successfully by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to
construct cold-mix asphalt base course at Eielson AFB in Alaska, and according to the literature
in several installations have been made within the lower 48 states of the United States. The main
parameters governing the use of a contaminated soil are the type of petroleum contaminant and
the amount or degree of contamination. The type of contaminant can affect the type of asphalt
cement that is added to the ASB material. Exact limits on the amount of contaminant that can be
used are not well defined and would generally vary with the type of soil and will affect the amount
that can be used in the overall ASB mixture. Leachate tests on various formulations that also
provide the desired mixture strength and durability properties will provide definitive answers in
regards to allowable levels of contaminated soil in the ASB mixture.