ETL 1110-3-490
13 May 98
B-11. Operation and Maintenance.
a. CP System Operational Testing. The CP system should be tested once each month to
ensure that it is in good operating condition.
b. Filter System. In addition to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance requirements,
the following filter replacement and testing requirements should be followed.
(1) HEPA Filter. The initial resistance of the HEPA filter is typically 250 pascals (1.0 inch
wg). The HEPA filter should be replaced when it is loaded and the static pressure differential
reaches about 750 pascals (3.0 inches wg). The HEPA filter pressure drop will be monitored at
the CP system control panel with annunciation when the dirty filter pressure drop is reached.
(2) Adsorption Filter. The adsorber filter should be replaced as required in FM 3-4 and
mechanical leak tested with a fluorocarbon refrigerant gas after filter replacement.
(3) Airflow Testing. The filtration system airflow rate should be periodically tested and
rebalanced as necessary to maintain the design airflow rate. The filtration system should also be
airflow tested after prolonged use. A HEPA filter without a prefilter could be fully loaded after 3
months of continuous use.
(4) Filtration System Testing. The filtration system will be field leak tested by an independent
testing agency after installation. The system should also be leak tested every 18 months and after
replacement of the HEPA filter or adsorber filter. The design must ensure that adequate filter
access is provided.
c. Signage. Doors required to be closed during overpressure will be labeled as such on red
background signage. Doors required to remain open during overpressure will be labeled as such
on green background signage.
d. Training. Training should be conducted for all facility personnel that may be called upon to
operate the CP system.
e. Operating Instructions. Operating instructions and system diagrams for the CP system will
be displayed next to the CP system control panel at eye level. Operating instructions will describe,
in short and concise language, the steps required to operate the CP system. All CP system control
switches and indicators will be clearly marked and identified.
f. Operation and Maintenance Manual. An operation and maintenance manual will be
provided and will contain system operating instructions, emergency operation instructions,
preventive maintenance information, troubleshooting, corrective maintenance, critical instructions,
and a spare parts list.