ETL 1110-3-496
15 Dec 98
simple visual checks, or it may include consistency measurements or compressive strength tests.
4. Example Performance Specification for 40-300 psi Flowable CLSM.
a. Description. Furnish and place a Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) as shown on
the plans or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, in writing. Provide CLSM containing cement
and water. At the option of the contractor or engineer, it may contain fly ash, aggregate
(including bottom ash or other recycled material), or chemical admixtures in any proportions such
that the final product will meet the strength and flow consistency requirements included in this
b. Materials. Provide materials meeting the following requirements:
Portland Cement, Type I or Type II Meet the requirements of ASTM C 150.
Water Meet the requirements of ASTM C 94.
If utilized, these materials shall meet the following requirements.
Aggregate The gradation of the aggregate shall have 100% passing the 3/4" sieve and a
maximum of 20% passing the No. 200 sieve. Recycled aggregate (including bottom ash) for use in
this item shall be evaluated for quality and gradation by the engineer. Where necessary, provide
the engineer with a copy of documentation issued by the appropriate authorities attesting to its
conformance with applicable environmental rules and regulations.
Fly Ash Where necessary, provide the engineer with a copy of documentation issued by
appropriate environmental authorities attesting to its conformance with applicable environmental
rules and regulations. Use fly ash conforming to the chemical and physical requirements for
mineral admixture, Class F listed in ASTM C 618 including Table 2 (except for Footnote A).
Waive the loss on ignition requirement. If the strength and flow consistency requirements in this
specification are met by the CLSM without ASTM C 618 conformance, this requirement may be
waived by the Engineer.
Chemical Admixtures Meet the requirements of ASTM C 494, including high air generators
manufactured for CLSM.
Certify that the CLSM has a 28-day compressive strength between 40 psi and 300 psi. Cast
and test specimens of CLSM in accordance with ASTM D 5971 and 4832 . The number or
frequency of test specimens shall be as determined by the Engineer. Specimens shall be delivered
to the Engineer for evaluation. The test specimens are for informational purposes and will not be
used for project acceptance.
c. Construction details. All equipment for this work shall be subject to approval of the engineer