ETL 1110-3-497
24 Feb 99
(2) The Contractor shall protect the underlying layer (base course, etc.) from any damage
(water, traffic, etc.) until the surfacing is placed, If the Contractor places surfacing within seven
days, the choice of protection measures or actions :o be taken is at the Contractor's option. If
damage or deterioration occurs, corrections shall be made in accordance with subparagraph (4)
(3) Prime coats shall be applied as soo n as possible after consolidation of the underlying
material. All traffic, except for paving equipment used in constructing the surfacing, shall be
prevented from using the underlying material, whether primed or not, until the surfacing is
(4) Damage to the underlying material caused by lack of, or inadequate, protection shall
be repaired (recompacted or replaced) by approved methods at no additional cost to the
(5) Prime coat shall conform to all requirements of this specification section,
b, The criteria in TM 5-822-8 regarding the proper selection and application of prime coat is
still in effect and should be used, except that drainage layers do not require prime coats unless
there is a need to protect the underlying material from moisture, such as expansive subgrade soils
7. Implementation. This letter will have routine application for all future military projects as
defined in paragraph SC, ER 1110-345-100.
Chief, Engineering and Construction Division
Directorate of Military Programs