ETL 1110-3-498
24 Feb 99
1704 will be used. If the threat is known, the use of ASZM-TEDA may not be required. This will
depend upon the chemical volatility of the threat. If agents of higher volatility, such as hydrogen
cyanide and cyangen chloride are not a threat, activated carbon (not impregnated carbon) will
suffice. The static pressure drop through an ASZM-TEDA adsorber that meets the requirements
of MIL-PRF-32016(EA) is approximately 625 Pa (2.5 inches wg) for a 235 L/s (500 cfm)
adsorber. A sample of the ASZM-TEDA carbon must be provided by the filter manufacturer for
testing at the U.S. Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center (ERDEC) as
stated in MIL-PRF-32016(EA). Funding for ERDEC testing is provided by the user. Filter trays
not contaminated by chemical surety materials or by super toxic materials can be refilled by the
manufacturer, but any contaminated carbon must be disposed of by the owning activity in
accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. A license must be obtained from the U.S.
Department of Commerce before an adsorption filter containing ASZM-TEDA carbon can be
shipped outside the United States.