ETL 1110-8-11(FR)
US Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Engineer Technical Letter
No. 1110-8-11(FR)
15 July 1991
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
d. Hendry, Debra K., and Welch, Charles R.
"Water Shock from a Surface-Flush Explosion Over a
a. This ETL describes criteria for predicting blast
Silty-Clay Bottom" (to be published 1991), US Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
techniques for monitoring such effects. The informa-
tion presented here applies to all HQUSACE/OCE
elements, major subordinate commands, districts,
e. Johnson, Stanley M. 1971. "Explosive Exca-
laboratories, and field operating activities concerned
vation Technology," NCG TR 21, US Army Engineer
with Civil Works.
Nuclear Cratering Group, Livermore, CA.
b. The purpose of this ETL is to assist USACE
f. Keevin, T. M., Hempen, G. L., Nico, L. G.,
Commands in the intelligent use of underwater blast
and Schaeffer, D. "The Use of a Bubble Screen
monitoring to prevent damage or injury to nearby
Curtain to Reduce Fish Mortality Resulting from
structures, equipment, or aquatic life from water
Underwater Explosions" (to be published 1991),
shock effects. Rock blasting in lake or river bottoms
North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
will produce a combination of ground and water
shock effects. Blast monitoring the ground shock
g. Langefors, U., and Kihlstrom, B. 1978. The
effects is addressed in references ETL 1110-2-142
Modern Technique of Rock Blasting, Halsted Press,
and "The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting," (see
Wiley, New York, NY.
paragraph 2c and 2g, p. 1). These references should
be used in conjunction with this ETL to develop a
h. Miller, L., Strange, J. N., and Pinkston, J. M.
comprehensive monitoring program. Some items that
are of concern during underwater blasting are: gates,
Various Bottom Materials - Final Report - Volume 1:
structures, boats, fish, fish eggs, etc. Damage or
Main Text," Technical Report 1-704, US Army Engi-
injury thresholds for these items are difficult to quan-
neer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
tify or are not readily available. These damage
thresholds must be set or assumed by the user.
i. Petes, J., Miller, R., McMullan, R. 1983
(Mar). "User's Guide and History of ANFO as a
Nuclear Weapons Effect Simulation Explosive,"
2. References
Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, DC.
a. ETL 1110-1-142. "Blasting Vibration
j. Strange, J. N. 1963 (Jan). "The Attenuating
Damage and Noise Prediction and Control."
Effects of a Bubble Screen on Underwater Shock,"
Miscellaneous Paper 2-553, US Army Engineer
b. Armstrong, B. J. 1979 (Mar). "Destruction of
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Bridge Decking With Explosion-Produced Water
Plumes," Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-5, US Army
k. Swisdak, Michael M., Jr. 1975 (Oct).
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
"Explosion Effects and Properties, Part 1 - Explosion
Effects in Air," NSWC/NOL/TR 75-116, White Oak
Laboratory, Naval Surface Weapons Center, White
c. Cole, Robert H. 1948. "Underwater Explo-
Oak, MD.
sions," Dover Publications, Inc., New York, NY.