ETL 1110-1-171
31 Jan 96
sampling and laboratory analysis required by regulatory programs.
(3) SCAPS can be used in different phases of site
investigation and remediation. For example, in a phased
investigation approach SCAPS can install well points to determine
flow direction or obtain ground water samples for analysis prior
to permanent well installation. Field sensor results can be used
to optimize well placement or sampling locations.
(4) SCAPS can be used on sites where investigation derived
waste is a problem since drill cuttings are not produced. If
necessary, decontamination water can be collected as it is
generated to facilitate appropriate disposal.
(5) SCAPS can be used to collect samples or sensor data to
monitor the effectiveness of on-going remediation.
(6) Typical cost and production data are included as
Appendix B.
Obtaining SCAPS Services:
(1) Information on the availability of SCAPS can be obtained
from each SCAPS District. Contacts are also contained in
Appendix A.
(2) Districts requesting SCAPS support should provide
preliminary information on site geology, standard penetration
depth to water and specific objectives of investigation. If a
determination is made that a site is feasible for direct push,
the SCAPS district will supply a cost estimate, SCAPS health and
safety plan, and contribute to the site work plan. Customer
districts should be able to coordinate with site personnel and
appropriate regulatory agencies to provide or identify the
(a) water source for decontamination
(b) site or installation contact
(c) permit issues
(d) IDW requirements for decontamination water or limited
spoil from any soil samples which might be obtained
(e) trash and PPE disposal options
(f) notification to appropriate State & Federal regulators
(g) length of time for utility clearances
(h) accessibility problems
(i) unique safety issues