ETL 1110-1-175
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
No. 1110-1-175
30 June 1997
Engineering and Design
b. ASTM D-5922, Standard Guide for
1. Purpose. The principal purpose of this ETL is
to introduce the reader to geostatistical techniques
Analysis of Spatial Variation in Geostatistical Site
and to demonstrate their basic utility with respect
to HTRW site investigations. The ETL also will
c. ASTM D-5549, Standard Guide for
include a discussion of statistical concepts that
support the science of geostatistics. Practical
Content of Geostatistical Site Investigations.
aspects of geostatistical techniques will be dis-
cussed in two ways. First, practical references will
4. Distribution Statement. Approved for public
be made, when appropriate, during the discussion
of statistical concepts, and second, examples
release, distribution is unlimited.
describing several aspects of the use of geosta-
tistical techniques in HTRW site investigations will
5. Discussion.
be presented and discussed in a section of this ETL
specifically dedicated to providing working exam-
a. Geostatistics is a powerful tool to assess
ples. This ETL also will include a brief literature
relationships among data obtained from various
and software review; review of geostatistical appli-
locations. It allows optimization of sample spac-
cations; comparison of information that is gener-
ing and frequency. More importantly, geostatistics
ated with geostatistical methods to that information
also allows one to effectively estimate parameter
obtained using classical statistical methods; and
values in areas between actual sample points and
some more recent geostatistical methods, such as
quantify the uncertainty of the estimated values.
conditional simulation.
This can be very valuable in risk management and
design decision making. This ETL builds upon the
principles introduced in EM 200-1-2.
2. Applicability. This letter applies to all
USACE commands having HTRW investigation,
b. The ETL contains examples which illus-
design, and remedial action responsibility within
trate the statistical principles discussed throughout
the military or civil works programs.
the document. Not every application of geosta-
tistics to HTW projects could be illustrated, how-
ever, and the user must be aware of the basic
3. References. Documents referenced in this
principles and seek appropriate applications. Spe-
ETL are listed. Appendix A contains additional
cific examples of typical cost-effective applications
references useful in geostatistical application.
of geostatistics are also given here.
a. EM 200-1-2, Technical Project Planning
Guidance for HTRW Data Quality Design.