ETL 1110-1-175
30 Jun 97
g. A final note concerning geostatistical soft-
GMS to facilitate two- and three-dimensional
kriging and interactive variogram modeling. GMS
ware and literature is that there can be differences
also provides comprehensive visualization tech-
in jargon or notation. These differences may
cause some initial confusion if users or readers do
that can be used as alternatives to kriging. The
not pay careful attention to the jargon or notation.
GMS system was developed for the Department of
For example, some authors may wish to use the
Defense by the Brigham Young University Engi-
term "semi-variogram" rather than "variogram";
neering Computer Graphics Laboratory. GMS
others may express random variables as other than
Z as has been done in this ETL, and it is common
Modeling Technical Support Center, (U.S. Army
for different software to have different references
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicks-
for directional angles when discussing anisotropy.
burg MS 39180).