ETL 1110-1-189
14 Feb 03
failure of the roadway due to overloading by construction equipment. The aggregate should
always be spread from the center of the roadway to the outer edges. For subgrade CBR strengths
greater than 3.0, standard road construction procedures can be applied.
The geotextile and geogrid properties specified in Tables 2 and 3, respectively, are designed
to survive installation in typical pavement construction applications. Construction sites
demonstrating extremely harsh construction conditions may require reconsideration of the
generic geotextile specifications. Examples of harsh environments include geosynthetic
placement over large quantities of roots or tree stumps, the use of over-sized aggregate
(D50 > 3 in.), dump heights in excess of 12 ft, and operations on thin aggregate lifts.
8.0 Bibliography and References
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"Laboratory Evaluation of Geosynthetic Reinforced Pavement Sections," Transportation
Research Record 1439, pp. 25-31.
Al-Qadi, I. L., Brandon, T. L., and Bhutta, A. (1997). "Geosynthetic Stabilized
Flexible Pavements," Proceedings of Geosynthetics '97, IFAI, Vol. 2, Long Beach,
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Anderson, P., and Killeavy, M. (1989). "Geotextiles and Geogrids: Cost Effective
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d. Barenberg, E. J., Hales, J., and Dowland, J. (1975). "Evaluation of Soil-Aggregate
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prepared for Celanese Fibers Marketing Company.
Barker, W. R. (1987). "Open-Graded Bases for Airfield Pavements," Technical Report
GL-87-16, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Barksdale, R. D., Brown, S. F., and Chan, F. (1989). "Potential Benefits of
Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavement Systems," National Cooperative Highway Research
Program Report No. 315, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C.
Bender, D. A., and Barenberg, E. J. (1978). "Design and Behavior of Soil-Fabric-
Aggregate Systems," Transportation Research Record 671, pp. 64-75.
Berg, R. R., Christopher, B. R., and Perkins, S. (2000). "Geosynthetic Reinforcement
of the Aggregate Base/Subbase Courses of Pavement Structures," Geosynthetic
Materials Association White Paper II, Geosynthetic Materials Association, Roseville,
Brandon, T. L., Al-Qadi, I. L., Lacina, B. A., and Bhutta, S. A. (1996). "Construction
and Instrumentation of Geosynthetically Stabilized Secondary Road Test Sections,"
Transportation Research Record 1534, pp. 50-57.
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