ETL 1110-2-352
31 Mar 94
Figure 2. Resultant earth pressure forces on a vertical plane through the heel of a gravity wall
founded on rock
Figure 4. Values of the correction factor Cθ for
inclination of the back side of gravity walls
founded on rock
Figure 3. Values of (Kv)vert for design of gravity
walls founded on rock
(4) Figure 3 shows that the value of (Kv)vert for
design increases with increasing wall height until a
Cθ = correction factor to account for inclination
limiting value of 0.1 is reached. This limiting value
of the back side of the wall
for design is well below the actual limiting value of
(Kv)vert indicated by measurements and analyses. It
Cs = correction factor to account for steps in the
was selected conservatively so that the change to
back side of the wall
previous design procedures (i.e., Kv = 0) would not be
large. Even with this conservative selection of the
(Kv)vert = value of Kv for a wall with a vertical back
limiting value of (Kv)vert, significant economies can