ETL 1110-2-355
31 Dec 93
1. Introduction
1-3. References. References are included in
Appendix B.
This guidance is to be used by the structural engineer
during the design of a U-frame lock monolith. A
U-frame lock is a structure in which the base slab of
2. Design Planning
the lock and the walls of the lock are monolithic.
Therefore, a U-frame lock as discussed herein
2-1. Coordination. Throughout the planning and
includes a W-frame lock structure. The advantages
design process, coordination within the design team is
of the U-frame type of lock are the reduction in the
essential in achieving a quality design product. The
volume of concrete in the walls, better seismic
design team should consist of representatives from
resistance, a reduced number of monoliths to design,
construction/operations division, the cost sharing
a structure that is more readily dewatered, a possible
customer, planning, real estate, safety, cost engineer-
reduction in pumping costs during dewatering due to
ing, and a representative from each of the engineering
less seepage, balancing of the loads applied to the
disciplines. Changes made to the structural configu-
monolith, and minimization of differential settlement
ration will often impact geotechnical, hydraulic,
and rotation of the walls with respect to the base.
mechanical, and electrical engineers. Therefore,
frequent communication with counterparts on a regu-
lar basis will facilitate identification of any problems
1-1. Scope. This appendix includes technical guid-
that may have been created by the change. Coordina-
ance on structural analysis and design of U-frame
tion with higher authority is also necessary as
lock monoliths. Planning and layout of navigation
described in ER 1110-2-1150.
locks is covered in other guidance. Short excerpts of
other guidance documents are repeated herein. Other
2-2. Design sequence. Structural design of a
guidance in this appendix includes definition of indi-
monolith will be performed during various design
sis methods and design assumptions; constructability;
ity phase, preconstruction engineering and design
and serviceability. Additional guidance pertinent to
(PED), and engineering during construction (EDC).
U-frame lock design is contained in several other
The engineering requirements for each phase are
engineer regulations, engineer manuals, and engineer
defined in ER 1110-2-1150. Specific structural engi-
technical letters (as referenced in this document).
neering responsibilities are defined in ETL 1110-8-
Topics addressed by these other documents include
13(FR), and general navigation lock design require-
strength design for reinforced concrete; seismic
ments can be found in other guidance. Each of these
design; pile foundation design; and thermal-
documents should be reviewed during the reconnais-
mechanical analysis of concrete. Such topics are
sance phase.
addressed briefly herein; however, for details of these
topics the engineer must see the referenced
a. Reconnaissance report (RR). Analysis during
however, some analysis may be necessary to confirm
1-2. Applicability. This guidance should be used
the feasibility of the proposed plan. The initial deci-
on any civil works project that contains a U-frame
sion to use a U-frame structure will be made during
lock. The guidance provided herein can be used
this phase. Since the plan presented in the RR is
based largely on engineering judgment, it is important
design and should continue to be referenced through
for an experienced structural engineer to be involved
the preconstruction engineering and design phase and
in this phase. The structural engineer must help
preparation of plans and specifications. The guidance
develop a reasonable project configuration and the
may also be used as needed for engineering during
design cost and schedule for the next phase. Depth