ETL 1110-2-355
31 Dec 93
are required to eliminate planes of weakness, suscep-
c. In summary, the potential benefits from a
tible to honeycombing in the toe of the fillet, fillets
fillet and its probable method of construction should
are discontinuous at lock filling and emptying ports.
be reviewed by the designer before using it in analy-
Due to the many disadvantages, the floor-to-wall fillet
sis and design.
is not recommended. Fillets at the roof of the culvert
are less of a problem and can be advantageous.
9-5. Construction/lift joints. Selection of lift
joints should be closely coordinated with the mater-
b. The designer should detail the construction
ials engineer and a representative of the construction
joint at the wall to the base slab at the level of the
division. Lift heights in base slabs of U-frame locks
culvert invert. The joint should be cleaned, possibly
usually do not exceed 5 ft while lift heights in the
roughened, and reinforced to ensure an adequate
walls are typically 5 to 10 ft high but can exceed
connection. This joint location also facilitates the
15 ft in the culvert walls. Typically any changes to
finishing of the culvert invert and base slab (see
optimize originally selected lift heights will be
Figure A-18).