ETL 1110-2-355
31 Dec 93
Figure A-18. Varying elevations of construction joints and concrete finish floor elevations
and their spacing should be considered prior to final-
a. Constructability. One of the primary factors
izing the length of a monolith.
when determining monolith length is the capacity of
the concrete batch plant to be used at the project.
b. Temperature effects. The length of a mono-
Generally this factor is resolved by the materials and
construction engineers. The location of the culvert
lith may be limited by the effects of temperature.
ports and their spacing must be accounted for when
Generally, the longer a monolith is, the higher the
determining the length of a monolith. Monolith spac-
stresses in the longitudinal direction. Determination
ing should be arranged such that a monolith joint is
of a suitable monolith length with respect to tempera-
approximately half way between culvert ports. Simi-
ture can typically be made from experience and the
performance of a NISA.