ETL 1110-2-365
31 Aug 94
A5-1. General
(4) Boundary conditions.
The required DM discussed in paragraph 7 of the
(5) Process for selecting the ambient temperature
main text is not intended to cover all of the details
Therefore, in addition to the DM which must be
(6) Initial conditions.
submitted to higher authority, a technical report out-
lining all of the details of a NISA should be devel-
d. Presentation of results. Minimum require-
oped as an appendix to the DM. This report should
ments for presentation of results are listed. Presenta-
include the details on the development of the various
tion of results is critical in providing the proper
parameters selected for performing the analysis and a
understanding of how the structure behaved and for
detailed presentation of the results of the analyses
supporting any conclusions or recommendations that
from which the evaluation of the structure was made.
will be made as a result of the NISA.
Since the DM will be developed primarily from this
technical report, the items described in the DM will
(1) Results from initial parametric studies which
be repeated in this annex. The items which should be
were used as the basis for design decisions or subse-
included in the report are presented.
quent analyses.
(2) Temperature contour plots at times when
A5-2. Report Requirements
temperatures are at the maximum and when large
gradients across structural members exist.
a. Introduction. The report shall have an intro-
duction which provides general information about the
(3) Temperature time histories of points where
project and any pertinent developments which
stress time histories are presented.
occurred leading up to performance of the NISA.
The introduction should also include the objectives of
(4) Stress contour plots at times of maximum
the NISA study as well as the scope of the work to
be performed.
(5) Stress time-history plots at points of maxi-
mum stress and at critical points in the structure.
b. Material parameters. This section should
include a brief presentation of the concrete and foun-
(6) Stress distributions across members which
dation materials to be used at the project and a
may be considered critical and across members where
description of how these materials will be used in the
maximum stress values are occurring. The distribu-
NISA. This should include a brief description of the
tions of stress should be compared to stress distribu-
tions obtained from a conventional linear, elastic
in the UMAT subroutine.
finite element analysis.
c. Modeling parameters. There should be a
(7) Contour plots of the crack potential for
detailed discussion of the modeling parameters used
points in the time history where the maximum per-
in the analyses. As a minimum requirement there
shall be discussion on the following items:
(8) If cracking occurs, plots of the cracking
(1) Finite element mesh selection.
which has occurred.
(2) Film coefficients.