ETL 1110-2-365
31 Aug 94
Figure B-2.
Crack plot at day 81.5 of the middle wall half of the chamber monolith model
slab. Figure B-14 is the cracking potential after all of
has portions which are over 50 percent. Figure B-12
the cracking has occurred in this portion of the slab.
shows contours at day 115 and the potential at the top
of the slab has risen to over 70 percent, but the crack
Note that the potentials in the area of the crack are
lower than in other areas, but they have not all gone
potential at the top of the culvert has begun to
to zero. This is because tensile stresses and strains
decrease. In addition, note that a potential of 89 per-
which may still be present but are not perpendicular
cent exists at the top of the lift above the gallery.
to the crack surface continue to be evaluated against
This high potential and the crack potential building in
the cracking criteria.
the slab are due to ambient condition which is enter-
ing the winter season. Figure B-13 is taken at
(4) Behavior of the right half of the model is
143 days and is after the cracking in the slab has
similar to the left half as seen in Figure B-15. An
initiated. The cracked area has reduced potentials
area of high potential is building in the top of the
near the top of the slab, but a potential of 96 percent
remains at the bottom of the top lift. Note to the
slab (68 percent) and also at the corner of the culvert,
right of the cracked area, the cracking potential is
although the potentials at the culvert corner are much
nearly parallel with the top surface indicating a uni-
lower than those observed on the left half of the
form level of cracking potential across the top of the
model. Both of these potentials continue to build,