ETL 1110-2-533
30 Sep 94
seismic performance of the various types of
equipment was found to be unanchored or inade
equipment on the project, and someone who under
quately anchored to resist the damaging effects of
stands project systems operation and systems critical
earthquake ground motions. The equipment
to project emergency response.
described is often critical to continued operation of
Corps projects and to emergency response. Partic-
ularly vulnerable were batteries required for emer-
b. Corps walk-through inspections. Walk-
through inspections were performed on two hydro-
equipment. The projects inspected are considered
electric power plant projects as part of the Corps of
typical of all Corps-owned hydropower facilities.
Engineers Hazard Reduction Program. Professor
Anshel J. Schiff, a recognized expert in the seismic
d. Goals and recommendations.
performance of electrical power systems, performed
the walk-through inspections accompanied by
various design engineers and project engineers from
(1) Existing projects. Special walk-through
the Corps. Professor Schiff is chairman of the
inspections should be conducted on all Corps
Electrical Power and Communications Committee
projects in zones of high or moderate seismic risk.
and the Earthquake Investigations Committee of the
These walk-through inspections should concentrate
American Society of Civil Engineers Technical
on vulnerable areas cited in Appendix B. The
Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, and of
Corps should take action to provide training for
the Earthquake Records Committee of the
engineers performing these special walk-through
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. The
inspections, and regulations should be developed
type of expertise provided by Dr. Schiff ensured
which require that the walk-through inspections be
that the Corps' effort to assess the seismic
conducted in conjunction with periodic inspections
vulnerability of its power-generating lifeline systems
of all Corps projects located in seismic zones 2A,
was in accordance with, and consistent with,
2B, 3, and 4.
standards used by other government agencies and
private utilities. As a result of his walk-through
(2) New projects. Specifications requiring that
inspections, Professor Schiff prepared two reports.
all mechanical and electrical equipment be anchored
The first report provided his findings and
to resist the damaging effects of earthquake ground
recommendations with respect to the specific
motion should be included in the contract
projects visited. It is evident from his report that
documents for new projects. Military guide
the Corps has critical mechanical, electrical, and
specification CEGS-13080 can be used for this pur-
communications equipment that is vulnerable to
pose. CEGS-13080 is in the process of being
earthquake damage. Professor Schiff's second
updated to meet current seismic code requirements.
report was structured so it could be used as a guide
As part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduc-
for evaluating the seismic vulnerabilities of Corps
tion Program (NEHRP), national standards are
lifeline systems. This second report is attached as
being developed for the seismic protection of
Appendix B.
lifelines. Any new standards developed under
NEHRP should be incorporated into Corps designs
when appropriate.
c. Findings. On
the projects inspected, much