ETL 1110-2-533
30 Sep 94
These can clog fuel filters or injectors. Growth
inhibitors should be added to the fuel, and the deteri-
oration of the quality of the fuel should be checked.
Figure B-7. Vulnerable engine generator vibration
isolation system
Figure B-9. An emergency generator with unse-
cured batteries
(16) If possible, it is desirable to periodically
check the engine generator under full load, although
this is typically difficult to do. It is also desirable to
check the unit at least once for an extended period
under full load when the ambient temperature is high
to ensure the adequacy of the cooling system. The
testing of automatic starting units should be done so
as to exercise all elements as they would normally be
operated after a loss of power. For example, if the
loss of power to a relay causes contacts on the relay
to close, starting the generator, the testing procedure
should place a switch to open the circuit to the relay
coil and not short out the relay contacts. Periodically,
Figure B-8. Simple snubbers can limit generator
say every few years, the capacity of the generator
should be checked against the load, as equipment
tends to be added to emergency power circuits.
(14) The batteries used to start emergency gener-
(17) Procedures should be established and posted
ators (Figure B-9) are usually relatively small and
near the unit for manually starting the engine genera-
few in number. Simple restraints can be fabricated to
tor. This procedure should include instructions for
prevent their being damaged. In some cases it may
the positioning of all controls, which in turn should
be easier to secure batteries to a nearby wall, than to
be labeled. Controls to be considered include cooling
modify the rack.
water shutoff valves, engine over-temperature inter-
lock, load transfer sequence switches, over-current
(15) Hidden dependencies, such as power to
circuit breakers, dampers for shutting the system
operate a pump to carry fuel from the main tank to
down, etc. It is desirable to provide external power
the daytank, or an external water source needed for
hookup terminals at a location a mobile generator can
engine cooling, should be evaluated. Diesel fuel
stored for emergency generators can turn "sour" in
be positioned.
about 5 years. That is, lumps develop in the fuel.