ETL 1110-2-534
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
No. 1110-2-534
30 September 1994
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose
f. National Ornamental and Miscellaneous
Metals Association. 1986. Metal Rail Manual,
This engineer technical letter (ETL) provides guid-
2nd ed., Suite 109, 2996 Grandview Ave., NE,
ance for structural evaluation of guardrails on civil
Atlanta, GA 30305.
works projects.
4. Background
2. Applicability
a. Welded aluminum railing. Aluminum railing
This ETL applies to all HQUSACE elements, major
has been used on many civil works projects, and
subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and
railing systems have usually been specified as stan-
field operating activities having responsibilities for
dard building products and were purchased and
the design of civil works projects.
tricts have recently identified welded aluminum rail-
ings at civil works projects which do not meet
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) safety stan-
3. References
dards (see paragraph 4b). The welding of the alumi-
num rail post to the base or connection plate is
a. ER 1130-2-303, Maintenance Guide.
potentially an inadequate detail.
b. EM 385-1-1, Safety and Health Requirements
b. Corps safety requirements. All railing sys-
tems should be designed and constructed to meet the
minimum safety standards prescribed in Section 21.B
c. American Iron and Steel Institute. 1985.
of EM 385-1-1. Existing railing systems should be
Criteria for Structural Applications of Steel Tubing
inspected in accordance with ER 1130-2-303. Inspec-
and Pipe, 150 East 42nd Street, New York, NY
tion and evaluation requirements for metal railings
should be generally consistent with ASTM (1992).
d. American Society for Testing and Materials.
1992. "Test Methods for Performance of Permanent
5. Action
Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Building,"
(E 935-92) Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol
a. Existing railing systems. Evaluation of all
04.07, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
existing railing should be performed as part of the
Priority A or B inspection (Section 24 of ER 1130-2-
e. National Association of Architectural Metal
303) in accordance with the guidance provided in
Manufacturers. 1985. "Pipe Railing Manual," 2nd
Appendix A.
ed., 600 South Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60605.