ETL 1110-2-540
30 Jun 96
(e) Everyday/disaster task overlap. Organizations who
g. Economic evaluation. The economic study for base
experience emergencies on a daily basis respond better during
conditions of a flood warning - preparedness program is
a flood emergency than agencies who do not. The National
primarily accomplished using information generated for flood
Weather Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, police,
damage reduction investigations. The base without project
fire, and sheriff's departments are ideal organizations to
conditions flood hazard and flood damage are used. The
include on the emergency response team.
detail is normally appropriate. If other plans are not feasible,
A thorough review of these institutional dynamics will
flood warning - preparedness programs may be moved
provide insight into the effectiveness of the current response
forward under the Continuing Authority Section 205
systems and provide insights into what enhancements are
program. The procedures are defined in ER 1105-2-100.