ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
Figure D-4. Generation loss due to forced outages
Runner replacement benefits
equivalent number of megawatts of thermal
(44,000 MWh x /MWh)
capacity. The different nature of power systems,
loads, and fuel costs throughout the nation requires
(16,000 MWh x /MWh)
site-specific evaluation for each major rehabilitation
Availability benefits
Total energy benefits
= ,430,000
D-10. Dependable Capacity
The unit energy values represent the energy cost
associated with producing the generation with the
a. The dependable capacity of a hydroelectric
most likely thermal alternative or alternatives. The
energy value of /MWh is based on the energy
power plant is an estimate of the amount of thermal
values provided from the Federal Energy
generating capacity that would carry the same
Regulatory Commission (FERC) for coal-fired
amount of peak load in a power system as the
hydroelectric power plant. It is intended to account
combined cycle plants. The value is based on
for the variables that affect the amount of
weighted national values by fuel source and
hydroelectric power capacity that can be used
inclusion of estimated real fuel cost escalation. The
effectively in the system load, including the
energy value is in terms of October 1995 price
levels. The Corps usually develops these values
using a system production cost model, simulating
(1) The variability in the maximum capacity
the operation of a particular power system twice:
that a hydroelectric power plant can deliver caused
once with the hydroelectric plant in the system, and
by variations in head.
once with the hydroelectric plant replaced with an