ETL 1110-2-550
30 May 97
D-19. Analysis Tools
such as the Portland District and Mobile District,
for evaluation of Major Rehabilitation projects.
Various computer analysis tools have been
These models are conceptually described in
developed to assist in the evaluation of Major
Appendix E that follows. Assistance in evaluation
Rehabilitation and O&M repair projects. Examples
of the potential project benefits can be received
of these are Hydroelectric power-REPAIR and
from the Power Branch (CENPD-ET-WP) of the
North Pacific Division, which is the designated
developed through the Corps of Engineers Institute
Corps-wide Mandatory Center of Expertise for
of Water Resources (CERD-IWR-R). Life-cycle,
Hydroelectric Power System - Economic Evaluation
risk models have been developed by other districts
(EC 5-1-50).