ETL 1110-2-553
30 May 97
Appendix A
(4) Tandem locks. A tandem lift lock consists of
one long segmented lock chamber with intermediate
Lock and Dam Control Stations
gate locations to provide a high lift in incremental
and Control Systems
steps. Tandem lift locks have been provided at loca-
tions where the lift was too large to practically
accomplish a lockage in a single lift. There are only
Lock and Dam Projects
two Corps projects in the continental United States
with operational tandem lift locks. The Wilson Lock
a. Introduction. There is a wide diversity of
on the Tennessee River in the Nashville District,
navigation projects on the inland waterway system.
which opened in 1927, has one auxiliary lock with
The differences lie in the configuration of the lock
two lock chambers and three control stations. The
with respect to the dam, the waterway traffic on the
Willamette Falls Locks on the Willamette River in
system, the existence of hydropower or flood control
the Portland District, which opened in 1873, has five
storage, and the hydrology. Because of these differ-
stair-stepped lock chambers and three control stations.
ences, a wide range of lock configuration and operat-
It was originally a privately owned lock and was later
ing characteristics has evolved. These include;
purchased by the Federal Government. Another two-
electrical-mechanical operating equipment, lock and
chambered tandem lock, Little Chute, on the Fox
dam control systems for the operation of gates and
River in Wisconsin was opened around 1879 but is
valves, number and location of control stations, num-
no longer in operation.
ber of people required to operate the navigation proj-
ect, method of observation of vessel approach and
Lock control station locations.
egress, communication with pilots, mooring assistance
to vessels, and methods of data management.
(1) Local control. On most of the single locks
constructed since the 1930's, the lock operating con-
b. Lock configuration. There are three lock
trols are located in two small structures on top of one
configurations: single locks, double locks (either
of the lock walls; one near the upper and one near the
separated or side by side), and tandem locks. Any of
lower gate recesses. This type of control is referred
these locks can be adjacent to or separated from the
to as local control since the controls are located
navigation dam, or they may be located in a naviga-
adjacent to the lock gate to be operated.
tion canal. Locks are usually located with the
upstream gates in line with the dam axis.
(a) At most single locks, local control stations
are located on the land wall of the lock for conve-
(1) Single lock. The single navigation lock is by
nience of access by lock operating personnel, since
far the most predominant type at existing Corps proj-
the operating, administrative, and maintenance facili-
ects. It consists of one single lock either isolated in a
ties are generally located on or adjacent to the land
canal or associated with a dam in a river.
wall. However, at some existing locks, where the
lock operator has additional duties related to the
(2) Double locks (side by side). Most existing
adjacent dam and/or power plant or other nearby
side-by-side locks consist of a long main lock and a
project facilities, the control stations are located on
shorter auxiliary lock. However, some projects
the river wall which is more convenient to all of the
(Smithland Locks and the Olmsted Locks currently
component facilities. Interviews with some lock
under construction) have twin 1,200-ft side-by-side
operating personnel indicate that it is their desire to
be isolated from the visitors and their activities at or
near the land wall. This could be another reason for
locating the control stations on the river wall. Some
(3) Double locks (separated). This configuration
of the older single locks have four local control
is provided for operational efficiency, capacity, cost,
stations, two on each wall, located at or near the gate
and safety. The separation is intended to provide for
improved traffic capacity since two tows can make
simultaneous approaches and departures. Melvin
(b) The land-side lock of double side-by-side
Price Locks and Dam in the St. Louis District is the
locks usually has two local control stations located on
first project constructed with a separated
the lock walls similar to those described above for