ETL 1110-2-553
30 May 97
single locks. The local control stations for the river
hinged cover and is pipe supported (Figure 1-1). The
lock are generally located on the common middle
fixed panel contains controls for the lower miter gate
lock wall. However, some double locks of this type
only. The culvert valves are not operated from this
may have five local control stations; two located on
the common middle wall, two located on the land
wall, and one located on the shorter river wall. The
Smithland Locks have twin 1,200-ft-long lock
chambers with four control stations located on the
common middle wall. The two upstream control
stations are located near the gate bay recesses for
each lock.
(c) At projects where additional locks have been
constructed, control stations are retained on the origi-
nal locks and new control stations are added to the
new lock. Some of these lock projects are Bonne-
ville, Gallapolis, Pickwick, and some of the Monon-
gahela River locks. These lock structures, old and
new, have local control stations located on the lock
walls of each individual lock.
Figure 1-1. Local control point
(d) The Wilson Lock on the Tennessee River in
the Nashville District has one auxiliary lock with two
(b) The five new single locks on the Red River
lock chambers and three control stations. The Willa-
Waterway in Louisiana (Vicksburg District) have a
mette Falls Locks on the Willamette River in the
central control station similar to the Tennessee-
Portland District has one lock with five chambers and
Tombigbee locks. These locks have two portable
three local control stations.
local control stations on the lock wall with pedestal
mountings. These pedestal mounted controls can be
(2) Central control.
removed when the walls are overtopped by flood
(a) The six single locks on the canal section of
the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in the Mobile
(c) The Melvin Price Locks and Dam is com-
District, placed in operation in 1985, have the lock
posed of one 110-ft-wide by 1,200-ft-long main lock
operation controls in a control room on the second
and one 110-ft-wide by 600-ft-wide auxiliary lock
floor of the operations building that is located on or
separated by two dam spillway bays. The 350-ft
adjacent to one of the lock walls and just downstream
separation between lock chambers allows tows to
from the dam embankment. This type of station is
make simultaneous approaches and departures from
referred to as a central control station. All lock
either lock. The single centralized control station
gates and culvert valves are controlled from this
(Figure 1-2) is located in a house high above the
central control station. Bay Springs Lock has, in
service bridge on the tainter gate pier midway
addition to the central control station, two fixed local
between the two locks. Both locks and all the dam
control stations on the lock wall. One is located at
gates are controlled from this central control station.
the upper miter gate recess, and the other is located at
A total of eight local control stations are also pro-
the lower miter gate recess. It should be noted that
vided at the four corners of the two separated locks
the Bay Springs Lock contains the pool for the divide
for local operation during maintenance activities and
cut, and special measures were needed to ensure safe
for emergency situations. An interim control station,
operation of this project so as not to lose this pool
located on the river wall of the main lock adjacent to
(Pickwick Lake). The other five locks on the Ten-
the spillway pier and just downstream of the service
nessee-Tombigbee have one other auxiliary operating
bridge, provided centralized operation of the main
position aside from the central control station. It is
lock during construction of the auxiliary lock but was
referred to as a local control point. The local con-
decommissioned upon completion of the project.
trol point consists of a control panel and is located at
the lower miter gate recess. This control panel has a