ETL 1110-3-446
20 Aug 92
1. American Cast Iron Pipe Company, American Pipe Manual,
Sixteenth Edition, Birmingham, AL, 1986.
2. Carisen, Roger J., "Thrust Restraint for Cast Iron
4. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering
Command, Foundations and Earth Structures. Design Manual 7.2,
Chapter 3, Alexandria, VA, 1982.
5. Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Thrust Restraint
Design for Ductile Iron pipe, Second Edition, Birmingham, AL,
6. Duncan, J.M. Unpublished Notes from CE 5520, Earth
Pressures, Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA, 1985.
7. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Guide
Specification for military Construction, CEGS 02732, Force Mains
and inverted Siphons, Washington, D.C.
8. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Guide
Specification for Military Construction, CEGS 02222, Excavation,
Trenching, and Backfilling for Utilities Systems, Washington,
9. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Guide
Specification for Military Construction, CEGS 02730, Sanitary
Sewers, Washington, D.C.
10. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Guide
Specification for Military Construction, CEGS 02660, Water Lines,
Washington, D.C.
11. Headquarters Departments of the Army and the Air Force,
Technical Manual No. 5-818-1, Soils and Geoloav Procedures for
Foundation Design of Buildings and Other Structures, Washington,
D.C., October 1983.
12. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Technical Manual
No. 5-813-5, Water Supply. Water Distribution, Appendix C,
Washington, D.C., November 1986.
13. Johns-Manville, Blue Brute Installation Guide, Denver,
14. Kennedy, H., Shumard, D.D., and Meeks, C.M., Ductile
Iron Pipe Thrust Restraint Design Handbook, EBAA Iron, Inc.,
Eastland, TX.
15. Meyerhof, G.G., "Penetration Tests and Bearing Capacity
of Cohesionless Soil," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and
Foundations Division, ASCE, No. SM1., 1956.
16. Myerhoff, G.G., "Shallow Foundations", Journal of the
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, No. 5M2, 1965.