ETL 1110-3-446
20 Aug 92
17. Peck, R.B., Hansen, W.E., and Thomburn, T.H.,
Foundation Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2nd Edition,
18. Price Brothers, Concrete Pressure Pipe Engineering
Manual, Eighth Edition, Dayton, OH.
19. Sowers, George F., Introduction to Soil Mechanics and
Foundations: Geotechnical Engineering, Chapter 9, Fourth
Edition, MacMillian Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1979.
20. U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company, The Use and Application
of Restrained Joints for Ductile Iron Pipelines, Birmingham, AL,
21. Wu, Tien Hsing, Soil Mechanics, Chapter 10, Allyn and
Bacon, Inc., Boston, 1976.