ETL 1110-3-491
7 May 01
8. Maximizing User Health and Productivity
a. In order to maximize the health and productivity of inhabitants and users of
sustainable projects, the following guidelines should be followed to the maximum extent
(1.) Pay particular attention to indoor air quality, i.e., minimize radon entry, exposure
to electromagnetic fields, pesticides, products that release formaldehyde and volatile
organic compounds, and other "sick building" factors, and
(2.) Provide adequate, efficient lighting, and where possible, incorporate into design
of a building: day lighting, natural ventilation, views, greenery and other indoor
environmental amenities.
(3.) Provide effective air distribution patterns and ensure that temperature and
humidity comply with existing Corps criteria.
b. Use existing Corps criteria as well as ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, as a design guideline. Document IAQ related site
characteristics. In urban, industrial or other areas with possible air quality problems,
test ambient air quality on-site. Typical facility-related air pollutant emissions sources to
be addressed include aircraft operations, motor vehicles, energy generators and boilers,
incinerators, industrial processes (such as plating, spray-painting and abrasive
blasting), volatile fuels and solvents, jet and rocket engine test facilities,
asphalt/concrete plants, wastewater treatment facilities and bakeries and laundries.
Determine air filtration requirements and ensure that the requirements of CEGS 15895,
Air Supply and Distribution System, are met. Consider air filter alarms to notify building
maintenance personnel so that excessive static pressure does not develop and
compromise efficiency. Determine fresh air rates based on ASHRAE Standard 62-1989
and other Corps criteria. Do not underestimate occupant densities. Consider
programmed number of occupants plus visitors and plan for possible future
9. Designing for Energy Efficient Operation
a. Sustainable design requires the use of energy efficient equipment and systems,
such as the following:
(1.) Use high levels of insulation, tight construction, high-performance windows
(superior insulating value), and glazing with low solar heat gain (in appropriate
(2.) Make use of renewable energy sources, i.e., passive solar heating, natural
cooling or ventilation, day-lighting, photovoltaic electricity production, etc, where life
cycle cost effective.