Energy and Atmosphere
Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning (1)
Verify and ensure that fundamental building elements and systems are designed, installed and calibrated to
operate as intended.
Implement all of the following fundamental best practice commissioning procedures.
Engage a commissioning authority.
Develop design intent and basis of design documentation.
Include commissioning requirements in the construction documents.
Develop and utilize a commissioning plan.
Verify installation, functional performance, training and documentation.
Complete a commissioning report.
Introduce standards and strategies into the design process early, and then carry through selected measures by
clearly stating target requirements in the construction documents. Tie contractor final payments to documented
system performance. Perform additional commissioning in accordance with the DOE Building Commissioning
Guide, Version 2.2. Refer to the LEED Reference Guide for detailed descriptions of required elements and
references to additional commissioning guides. Specify pre-occupancy baseline IAQ testing at time of
commissioning. Test for indoor air concentrations of CO, CO2, total VOCs and particulates. Test to assure that
adequate ventilation rates have been achieved prior to initial occupancy.
Minimum Energy Performance
Establish the minimum level of energy efficiency for the base building and systems.
Design to meet building energy efficiency and performance as required by TI 800-01 (Design Criteria).
Use building modeling and analysis techniques to establish and document compliance. ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-
1999 provides guidance for establishing building base case development and analysis. Refer to the LEED
Reference Guide for a wide variety of energy efficiency strategy resources.
Use a professionally recognized and proven computer program or programs that integrate architectural features
with air-conditioning, heating, lighting, and other energy producing or consuming systems. These programs will
be capable of simulating the features, systems, and thermal loads used in the design. Using established weather
data files, the program will perform 8760 hourly calculations. BLAST, DOE-2 or EnergyPlus are acceptable
programs for these purposes.
CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment
Reduce ozone depletion.
Zero use of CFC-based refrigerants in new base building HVAC&R systems. When reusing existing base
building HVAC equipment, complete a comprehensive CFC phaseout conversion.
Specify only non-CFC-based refrigerants in all base building HVAC&R systems.
Adapted material not reviewed or endorsed by U. S. Green Building Council.
U. S. Green Building Council. Used by permission.
Sustainable Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT) v.1.4.1
June 2002
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