Energy and Atmosphere
Additional Commissioning (2)
Verify and ensure that the entire building is designed, constructed, and calibrated to operate as intended.
In addition to the Fundamental Building Commissioning prerequisite, implement the following additional
commissioning tasks:
Conduct a focused review of the design prior to the construction documents phase.
Conduct a focused review of the construction documents when close to completion.
Conduct a selective review of contractor submittals of commissioned equipment.
Develop a system and energy management manual.
Have a contract in place for a near-warranty end or post occupancy review.
Items 1, 2, and 3 must be performed by someone other than the designer.
Introduce standards and strategies into the design process early, and then carry through selected measures by
clearly stating target requirements in the construction documents. Tie contractor final payments to documented
system performance. Refer to the LEED Reference Guide for detailed descriptions of required elements and
references to additional guidelines.
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Measurement and Verification
Provide for the ongoing accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption performance
over time.
Comply with the installed equipment requirements for continuous metering as stated in selected
Measurement and Verification Methods - Option B: Retrofit Isolation of the US DOE's International
Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) for the following:
Lighting systems and controls.
Constant and variable motor loads.
Chiller efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton).
Cooling load.
Air and water economizer and heat recovery cycles.
Air distribution static pressures and ventilation air volumes.
Boiler efficiencies.
Building specific process energy efficiency systems and equipment.
Indoor water risers and outdoor irrigation systems.
Design and specify equipment to be installed in base building systems to allow for comparison, management, and
optimization of actual vs. estimated energy and water performance. Employ building automation systems to
perform M&V functions where applicable. Tie contractor final payments to documented M&V system performance
and include in the commissioning report. Provide for ongoing M&V system maintenance and operating plan in
building operations and maintenance manuals. Consider installation/base of an Energy Management and Control
System (EMCS), which is compatible with exiting installation/base systems to optimize performance.
U. S. Green Building Council. Used by permission.
Adapted material not reviewed or endorsed by U. S. Green Building Council.
Sustainable Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT) v.1.4.1
June 2002
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