ETL 1110-3-498
24 Feb 99
G-1. Facility Envelope Air Leakage Database.
The facility leakage information in Table G-1 results from field leakage testing with a calibrated
blower door assembly. The graphs in Figures G-1 through G-9 show leakage characteristics for
the facility construction types indicated.
G-2. Facility Envelope Construction Types.
Facility wall and roof construction is categorized into the general types below. These categories
are referred to in the leakage characteristic graphs.
a. Wall Construction Types.
(1) Type 1: 25-mm (1-inch) stucco or siding, insulation, 20-mm (-inch) plaster or
(2) Type 2: 25-mm (1- inch) stucco or siding, 200-mm (8-inch) concrete block or cast-in-
place concrete, 20-mm (-inch) plaster or gypsum.
(3) Type 3: steel siding, insulation, steel siding.
(4) Type 4: 100-mm (4-inch) face brick, insulation, 300-mm (12-inch) concrete block or
cast-in-place concrete, 20-mm (-inch) plaster or gypsum.
(5) Type 5: concrete thickness as indicated in millimeters (inches), insulation, 20-mm (-
inch) plaster or gypsum. No windows.
b. Roof Construction Types.
(1) Type 1: slag or stone, felt membrane, insulation, steel siding.
(2) Type 2: slag or stone, felt membrane, lightweight concrete.
(3) Type 3: Concrete thickness in mm (inches), insulation.