ETL 1110-3-503
15 Sept 99
1. TM 5-822-7/AFM 88-6, Chap.8, Standard Practice for Concrete Pavements.
2. TI 822-08/AFMAN, 32-1131V8(I)), Standard Practice Manual for Flexible Pavements.
3. ER 1110-345-100, Design Policy for Military Construction.
4. CEGS-02749, Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) for Airfields.
5. Abichou, T. Benson C. H., and Edil T. B. (1998). "Database on Beneficial Reuse of Foundry
By-Products," Recycled Materials in Geotechnical Applications, ASCE Special Publication No.
79, pp. 210 - 223, C. Vipulanandan and David J. Elton, Eds., Reston, VA.
6. Ahmed, I. (1991). "Use of Waste Materials in Highway Construction," Final Report, Joint
Highway Research Project, FHWA/IN/JHRP-91/3, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
7. Ahmed, I. and Lovell, C. W. (1992). "Use of Rubber Tires in Highway Construction,"
Utilization of Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Construction, pp. 166-181, Hilary Inyang
and Kenneth Bergeson, American Society of Civil Engineers, NY.
8. Ali, N., Chan, S. S., Potyondy, A. J., Bushman, R., and Bergan, A. T. (1995). "Mechanistic
Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Containing Reclaimed Roofing Materials,"
Transportation Research Board (TRB), Record No. 1515, pp. 28-36, National Research Council,
Washington, DC.
9. American City and County. (1997). "Solid Waste - City Uses Glass Cullets for Road
Construction Aggregate," American City and County Magazine, April, pp. 18, Pittsfield, MA.
10. American Coal Ash Association. (1992). "1992 Coal Combustion By-Product Production
and Consumption," Washington, D.C.
11. ASCE (1998). "Cleaner Fly Ash Makes Better Concrete," Civil Engineering Magazine,
September, Volume 68, Number 9, pp. 28, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
12. Baker, R. F. and Connolly, E. (1995). "Mix Designs and Air Quality Emissions Tests of
Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete," Transportation Research Board (TRB), Record No.
1515, pp. 18-27, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
13. Bernal, A., Swan, R. H. Jr., Salgado, R., and Lovell, C. W. (1997). "Pullout Testing of
Geogrids in Tire Shreds and Rubber-Sand," ASTM STP 1275, Testing Soil Mixed with Waste or
Recycled Materials, pp. 109-121, Mark A. Wasemiller and Keith B. Hoddinott, Eds., West
Conshohocken, PA.