ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
-Cleaning/decontamination fluids
-Laboratory IDW.
All laboratories performing work to support the treatability
study must be instructed whether to ship samples back to the site
after testing for future handling with the bulk wastes or to
dispose of them appropriately. If the latter is implemented, the
Contractor should describe how samples will be characterized and
The project chemist should include instructions in the SOW on how
IDW from field work will be handled. If the Contractor will be
required to characterize and dispose of these wastes, he should
be tasked to propose a waste handling plan which describes how
wastes generated during sample collection will be characterized
and disposed.
If RCRA Hazardous IDW is to be stored on-site, contact the State
RCRA regulators to determine storage requirements. In most
instances, the state will require that IDW be stored in
accordance with the storage provisions of RCRA for generators
which are found in 40 CFR 262 and 40 CFR 264.
See EPA Guidance Document EPA/540/G-91/009, Management of
Investigation Derived Wastes During Site Inspections, May 1991,
for additional information on this topic.
Task 6
Treatability Study Reports.
Provide details on content and format of all treatability study
reports the Contractor must generate.
Chemical Data (Interim) Report.
If QA testing is performed, a chemical data (interim) report
deliverable will be submitted to the QA laboratory for comparison
between the data generated from the Contractor's QC and the USACE
QA laboratories. This deliverable should contain, at a minimum,
August 89 memorandum entitled "Minimum Chemistry Data Reporting
Requirements for DERP and Superfund HTW Projects."