ETL 1110-1-158
28 Feb 95
The Contractor should estimate the anticipated number of mix
ratios to be tested during the final round of testing. The
Contractor should also outline the number and type of tests to be
times, and the number of replicate samples.
Task 5
Analyses, Data Assessment/Validation, and Reporting.
A SAP should be prepared as an attachment to the Treatability
Study Work Plan. EM 200-1-3 should be referenced for guidance in
preparation of the SAP.
The following sections of the SOW outline specific analytical
protocols to be followed for the treatability study. The project
design engineer and chemist should generate tables summarizing
this information. The Contractor will include this information
in the SAP.
Before developing this section of the SOW, the project chemist
must determine what methods will be required to determine the
contaminants of interest (i.e., metals, PCBs, volatiles), what
detection limits are needed (percent, ppm, ppb), and what matrix
types will be sampled for the treatability study. Factors to be
considered in selecting an analytical method include applicable
regulatory requirements (the magnitude of an action level and the
detection limit must be considered), specificity, sensitivity,
variability, accuracy, cost, necessary equipment, time, skill
level, quality control, and required documentation.
The project chemist should specify analytical procedures as
needed from EPA's SW-846 or other standard methods compendium.
This section specifically identifies the criteria for each
analysis on a matrix-specific basis.
The rationale for SOW instructions on analytical procedures must
be included in this section. Data quality objectives (DQOs) will
be clearly defined to include a discussion of how analytical data
will be used to answer project specific questions. Quantifiable
limits will be established for Precision, Accuracy,
parameters plus sensitivity to ensure analytical data of
sufficient quality to support the DQO decision process.