ETL 1110-1-162
30 Sep 01
GRI Test Methods and Standards
Geosynthetic Research Institute, most recent edition.
Geotechnical Fabrics Report
Industrial Fabrics Association International, St Paul, Minnesota.
Geosynthetics International
Industrial Fabrics Association International, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Koerner et al. 1990
Koerner, R.M., Y.H. Halse, and A.E. Lord, 1990. Geomembrane Durability and Aging, ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication No. 26, Proceedings of ASEC November 1990 National Convention.
Koerner et al. 1993
Koerner, R.M., Y.G. Hsuan, and A.E. Lord, 1993, Stress Cracking Behavior of HDPE
Geomembranes and its Prevention, Geosynthetic Research Institute Report No. 9.
Koerner and Koerner 1988
Koerner, R.M., and G.R. Koerner, 1988. A Quantification and Assessment of Installation Damage
to Geotextiles, Geosynthetic
Research Institute Report
No. 2.
Soong and Koerner 1996.
Soong, T.-Y., and R.M. Koerner, 1996. Behavior of Waves in High Density Polyethylene
Geomembranes, Geosynthetic Research Institute Report No. 17.
d. Quality Assurance/Quality Control.
EP 415-1-261
Quality Assurance Representative's Guide.
NTIS PB87-132825
Construction Quality Assurance for Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Facilities.
ASTM Standards and Other Specifications and Test Methods on the Quality Assurance of Landfill
Liner Systems, 1994. ASTM Publication Code Number: 03-435193-38.
e. Stability Considerations.
Koerner and Bao-Lin 1990