ETL 1110-1-162
30 Sep 01
Koerner, R.M., and H.W.U. Bao-Lin, 1990. Stability and Tension Considerations Regarding
Cover Soils on Geomembrane Lined Slopes, Geosynthetic Research Institute.
Mitchel et al. 1990
Mitchell, J.K., R.B. Seed, and H.B. Seed, 1990. Stability Considerations in the Design and
Construction of Lined Waste Repositories, ASTM STP 1070-Geotechnics of Waste Fills.
Singh and Murphy 1990
Singh, S., and B.J. Murphy, 1990. Evaluation of the Stability of Sanitary Landfills, ASTM STP
1070-Geotechnics of Waste Fills.
Soong and Koerner 1996.
Soong, T.-Y. and R.M. Koerner, 1996. Cover Slope Stability Involving Geosynthetic Interfaces,
Geosynthetic Research Institute Report No. 18.
f. Settlement.
Settlement and Cover Subsidence of Hazardous Waste Landfills.
Yen and Scanlon 1975
Yen, B.C., and B. Scanlon, 1975. "Sanitary Landfill Settlement Rates," Journal of the Geotechnical
Engineering Division, ASCE, May, pp. 475487.
Landvua and Clark 1990
Landvua, A.O., and J.I. Clark, 1990. Geotechnics of Waste Fills, ASTM STP 1070.
Ranguette and Wvellner 1994
Ranguette, V.J., and W.W. Wvellner, 1994. Settlement of Municipal Waste, ASTM STP 1070 -
Geotechnics of Waste Fills.
g. Clay Liners/Alternate Barriers.
Design, Construction and Evaluation of Clay Liners for Waste Management Facilities.
Field and Laboratory Testing of a Compacted Soil Liner.
Compilation of Information on Alternative Barriers for Liner and Cover Systems.