ETL 1110-1-175
30 Jun 97
Figure 2-3. Theoretical variograms showing A, exponential; B, spherical; C, Gaussian; and D, linear
2-4. Kriging
D (h)
as h
a. General.
Therefore, the larger g is in relation to s, the less
(1) Given a regionalized random variable Z(x)
with a known theoretical variogram, the question
g=s, called a pure nugget variogram, results in
is: how can the value of Z(x) be predicted at an
D(h)=0 for all h>0. In that case, neighboring
arbitrary location, based on measurements taken at
observations are uncorrelated no matter how
other locations? Suppose that Z is measured at n
closely they are spaced.
specified locations: Z(x1), ..., Z(xn). For example,
h. Occasionally, ((h) may not reach a finite
the locations might correspond to n preexisting
sill, as in the linear variogram Equation 2-26. In
wells in an aquifer. Let a new location be given by
that case, it is not possible to define a correlation
x0=(u0,v0) and denote the ith measurement location
function as in Equation 2-28. The corresponding
by xi=(ui,vi). Suppose that, based on prior knowl-
regionalized random variable is said to be intrinsi-
edge of the geology, there are no prevailing trends
cally stationary (Journel and Huijbregts 1978),
which is more general than covariance stationarity.
assumed to be constant over the entire region:
The theory behind intrinsically stationary vario-
grams will not be presented in this ETL. As long
as a "pseudo-range" hmax is defined, all of the
(x) = (constant)