ETL 1110-1-175
30 Jun 97
Figure 5-3. (Sheet 4 of 4)
(3) Final cross-validation was performed, and
was used, along with the measured data, to pro-
the results, shown on Figures 5-5b and 5-5c and
duce ordinary kriging estimates for all points in a
listed in Table 5-1 (bedrock B), were acceptable.
52-by-52 grid with a spacing of about 30-by-30 m,
which is truncated along the northeastern border
f. The large difference between the sill
because of the restriction operation. For the krig-
defined for the initial data set and the sill for the
ing procedure, a search radius of about 914 m
restricted data set (12.54 m2 and 8.36 m2) supports
witha maximum of 16 and minimum of 8 sur-
the hypothesis that the original data set is actually
rounding locations was specified. Gray-scale
two different domains. The final variogram then
maps of the kriging estimates and kriging standard